Our award

Filtering those annoying marketing mailings, spam, advertising, and creepy strangers has just become easier with SpamHound. Especially for people whose activities are related to instant messaging and calls.
With SpamHound you can manually configure your filters in the Black- and Whitelists and easily create rules for clearing your inbox from undesired content.
Use SpamHound App
to Block SMS Spam

Ability to create an
unlimited number of filters

Flexible rules
for fine-tune filters

Blacklist for filtering

Unknown numbers

Prevent blocking
with Whitelist

Working without
internet connection

Create Blacklists and Whitelists
Blacklist and Whitelist tabs are used to create, edit and delete filtering. Junk SMS tab stores all unwanted texts that fly under the Blacklist rules. In their turn, all texts from the Whitelist displayed in a native Messenger app.
We Care about Privacy
SpamHound does not require access to the content of your messages, ensuring your privacy and safety.
Things to Try

checks whether the incoming
message contains a particular

checks the complete match of a
criterion with the content of the
incoming message

Starts With
controls whether the incoming
message starts with a particular

Ends With
determines whether the incoming
message ends with a particular

Wild Card
allows you to use a specific syntax
to create rules

Regular Expression
allows you to create your own
rules, for example, so that all
messages containing emails will
be blocked